Shapiro Brothers are at it again!

Sheesh, it's been one heckuva ride through these times. Thank the stars for music! What have you been listening to? Gloria Gaynor has given us a comforting ear worm for the past couple years but we're ready to switch it…

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Hi again

Shapiro Brothers have been wood shopping, to say the least. Now that venues are opening back up to musicians and audiences, we are happy to say we're back in the swing. Can't wait to see our friends and fans again. 

Back from our Hiatus onto the Honeymoon

The Shapiro Brothers have made it official! We are entering 2019 as a married couple. Many thanks to friends, family and fans for supporting our musical and marital union in 2018. This year, we are planning to record more and…

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Spring has Sprouted

The new raised bed is built and the heirloom starters are going in. The Speedwell is blooming, the creeping thyme is creeping and the blue jays have nested in the cedar. Shapiro Brothers are emerging from our Winter caves with…

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Here's to Making More Music in 2018

Shapiro Brothers are headed back out into the world! But first... we retreat into the dark, cold recesses of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for a winter retreat. No electricity. No running water. Just a wood burning stove and some…

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Shapiro Brothers French Promotional Tour 2017

We've staked the tomatoes and eaten all the blueberries. We've updated our passports and brushed up on our Français. Mikal even wrote a new song in French. Without further ado, Shapiro Bros. are ready to jump the pond! If you…

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3/21/2017 - Spring Tour!

Shapiro Brothers are excited to announce our Spring Tour with stops in Nashville, Columbus and the UP. Chad and Mikal have been working up some new songs and new (to us) classics that we can't wait to share with you…Read more